door Peter Witsenburg | 15 nov 2014 | business, cloud, cloudbroker, Geen categorie, Hybride Cloud, privat cloud, Public Cloud, solutions, UK
Traditionally, the role of IT was simple. Technology Euro’s were centralized under the CIO to manage. The CIO became the traffic cop, deciding whose projects would be deployed and what technology could best be integrated efficiently within the...
door Peter Witsenburg | 25 okt 2014 | business, cloud, Cloud Makelaar, nieuwe werken, sociale media, solutions
Cloud computing gaat over service. Infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, software as a service. Het patroon lijkt me wel duidelijk. Het succes van cloud computing is het gevolg van, simpel gesteld, een helder en eenduidig it-aanbod van de leverancier...