The Belgian Clouds­cape is updated to Version 1.1 is and visu­a­lizes 126 cloud providers of which 22% are active in more than one segment or category, resulting in a total of 144 entries.
SaaS remains the most popular segment with 69% of entries. 29% of entries are IaaS providers and only 2% offer PaaS services.
Within the SaaS segment, Finance/ERP is the leading SaaS offering with 19% of SaaS vendors. Commu­ni­ca­tions commands a 18% share of SaaS followed by Online Workspace (11%), HRM (9%), Colla­bo­ra­tion (4%), Digital Marketing (4%) and Heal­th­care (4%). The “other” segment (30%) has a wide variety of specialization’s.

Other inte­res­ting charac­te­ris­tics of Belgian SaaS providers include:

  • 63% of SaaS providers have an IaaS partner, 37% have their own infrastructure
  • 39% of SaaS providers that have an IaaS partner are located in a Belgian data centre, 47% are in another European country, 14% are in the US
  • 38% of SaaS providers that have an IaaS partner provide online ordering and on-boarding compared to 27% of those that have their own infrastructure
  • Inaugural version: Version 1.0 visu­a­lizes 111 cloud providers of which 7% are active in more than one segment or category, resulting in a total of 121 entries. SaaS is the most popular segment with 69% of entries. 29% of entries are IaaS providers and only 2% offer PaaS services.

    Within the SaaS segment, Finance/ERP is the leading SaaS offering with 20% of SaaS vendors. Commu­ni­ca­tions commands a 17% share of SaaS followed by Online Workspace (11%), HRM (10%), and CRM (6%). The “other” segment (36%) has a wide variety of speci­a­li­sa­tions of which Digital Marketing, Health Care and Colla­bo­ra­tion are popular categories.

    Click on the Figure below to enlarge or download the pdf version.



    • The Clouds­cape is a snapshot of the local SaaS, PaaS and IaaS provider landscape. Although we strive to be as complete as possible, the clouds­cape is an ongoing research effort. We will release updated versions of the clouds­cape to reflect our growing database.
    • The Clouds­cape is based on desk research.
    • Only companies that have their worldwide HQ in Belgium are eligible for the list.
    • Only companies that sell (public) cloud services to the business market are included, we do not include consumer cloud. Companies that simply resell other vendor’s (public) cloud services are not included in our list.

    We welcome your feedback on the list and on any Belgian public cloud players that we may have omitted. Sugge­s­tions or remarks are more then welcome, please use the respons button below or contact Pim Bilder­beek directly.

    -Author: Pim Bilder­beek
    ‑Source: TheME­TIS­files

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