Can Cloud bridge the cultural gap?

Can Cloud bridge the cultural gap?

Over the course of our lengthy careers in infor­ma­tion tech­no­logy (IT) and sales, it has taken many years for us to under­stand a simple but pervasive fact: in many companies, people from the lines of business (LOB) and people from the IT depart­ment don’t really under­stand each other. In some cases, they behave as if they belonged to different companies.

The Business of Cloud

The Business of Cloud

For a CEO not up on the tech­no­logy side of things, asking a techie “What is Cloud?” would be as useful as asking a mete­o­ro­lo­gist the same question… there are too many wrong answers amongst the right ones, for the parti­cular needs of any parti­cular CEO, not to...
The invisible Cloud

The invisible Cloud

Cloud computing, or just “Cloud” for simpli­city, can be trou­blesome for some people, while others consider it to be the future of the infor­ma­tion tech­no­logy (IT) enter­prise infrastructure. Many people still have similar questions to the ones I had a long time...

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